Old Auregan Wiki
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Old-Auregan-Wiki is the free dictionary of the language of the Wexin area
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Drawing of þūnor (Thor)

Welacuman tô Wexiscume Hôafedsîdon

Welcome to the Old Auregan-language Wiktionary, a collaborative project to produce a free-content Old Auregan dictionary. It aims to describe all words of all that language using definitions and descriptions in English.

Designed as the lexical companion to Wiktionary, Old Auregan Wiktionary has grown beyond a standard dictionary and now includes a thesaurus, language statistics and other informations about that language and its history. We aim to include not only the definition of a word, but also enough information to really understand it. Thus etymologies, pronunciations, sample quotations, synonyms, antonyms and translations are included.

Old Auregan

A Æ B D Đ E F G Ġ H I K Kw  L M N O P Qu R S T Þ U V W Y

Participate to the Wiktionary !

You must introduce Old Auregan words ! - You must write 'in English

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